Saturday, April 20, 2013

Is this Keith??

Photo of Keith?
from Ian & John.

Is this Keith outside the flat in Liscard?
And Rob's pram in the background, and who's the cat!

Does anyone know anything about this picture?  I think it may be Keith, but not 100% positive.  It was given to me from Ian and John, as they have found lots of letters and some photos mainly from/of  Dad and Arthur to their Mum and each other.  The letters were all found in the loft of Uncle Arthur and Auntie Norah's home, 28 Brimstage Rd., Bebington.  Well done to them both for keeping everything as it gives us all a glimpse into our parents lives before they ever became our parents!  However, John and Ian's view might differ as they had to sort through every single item which must have taken a loooong time!  All the letters and pictures are now safely in the possession of Dave, who also now has the task of sorting through them and eventually adding them to this blog.


  1. I would say it is Keith going by how he looks, but I don’t know either, but from all the other photos I’ve seen then it must be. I’ve also got another version of the picture which I have added to your post Anne. It shows where the photo was taken... could it be the flat in Liscard?

    When looking at young children in Mum & Dad’s old albums, if they look like Kerry or Steve then I know it is either Anne or Rob! It is more difficult to recognise Keith as a young child.

    1. I vaguely remember Mum saying they had a black cat, and I know it came to the Ginnel with them because she said they used to trip over it on the stairs! So I suspect that this is the cat and the Liscard flat. Wish we could find an address. I also remember that kilt now too - and trying it on!!! was Dad's that he had a tailor remake smaller obviously for Keith to wear! That's what he told me anyway. And also I remember the head-gear(?), it used to be on the top shelf in one of the wardrobes! The kilt was black and green. How could I have forgotten!! I'm so glad this blog is active before all my memories disappear!


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