Thursday, April 18, 2013

A poem for Nanny.

By Laura Murphy (my niece, Anne's daughter)

Every single second on this big old world 
In a father's arms a perfect baby's held
Eleventh of June in nineteen twenty two 
This baby was Nancy special through and through

I wonder if he knew then how many lives she'd touch
And that so many people would love her very much
Ninety happy years is a very long time 
To reach so many hearts she certainly reached mine

I've never met a woman as generous as Nancy
Her door was always open she was as kind as can be
I've never heard a giggle as infectious as hers 
Someone to make you laugh but who also really cares 

I am honoured to have known her as everyone will say
We'll miss her very much but she'll be with us every day
It's hard to lose someone as dear as Nancy
But instead of feeling down there's a different outlook to see

I believe that memories come alive all the time 
These make her spirit possible to shine
Every time we miss her we need to simply smile
And think about the good times for a little while

This is what she'd want for her family and friends 
So that her shining never ever ends
She'll be looking after us forever strong and near 
To help us through the dark times of sadness and fear

Nancy is with her family now and Harry, her sweetheart
It's a comfort to know they're no longer apart 
I'll always be so grateful for their influence on me 
Say it out loud we all love you Nancy.

Thank you Laura.

Nancy Nanny.


  1. brilliant words well done Laura....Robx

    1. I second that Rob, well done Laura, it brings a tear to my eye but a smile to my face.x


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