Saturday, May 25, 2013

Keith checking just how far the hotel really is from the beach!

In my post Turn it over, Mum tells us that Keith was behind the camera. It’s a lovely photo of Mum & Dad with our Rob... a talented photographer at the age of eight or nine! He was also writing articulate letters when he was six

I don’t think Anne & Rob will mind me saying that Keith was always the academic one in the family. He went on to get first degrees in Chemistry and Human Physiology and a PhD in Neurophysiology, but I bet I can chuck a stone further than he can!! 

I wonder who he is aiming at!!

Keith (1956?)

Back of above print

Rob, Keith & Mum, Isle of Man

Rob & Keith (1956?)

1 comment:

  1. I know and accept my status within the family!!

    But as for wondering who Keith was aiming at - judging by the way he was sitting similarly both in the first and second photo, and the direction in which he was it Mum!!!!


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