Friday, May 17, 2013

Empress of Scotland.

In Dad’s letter to his Mum, in the post ‘There and Back Again’, he mentions that they are sailing home on the Empress of Scotland.

We are sailing for home on Wednesday 6th November 1946 on the ‘Empress of Scotland’, which is supposed to be a pretty fast ship so you can expect us to arrive Home about November 22nd. It sure won’t be long now!!!!!

Anne said she had searched for and found an image of the Empress of Scotland on the internet. I didn’t think of doing that at the time, but have now found a couple of interesting websites:

Empress of Scotland

Liverpool Ships

It’s interesting to note the ship’s change of name from Empress of Japan to Empress of Scotland. Also, you can download a list of all the ship’s voyages from December 1939 to November 1946, which means Mum & Dad’s voyage is the last one recorded on that document!

The journey from Joville to Bombay (Mumbai) alone was like travelling the full length of Britain!

You can download the full document from here at
the bottom of the page.

1 comment:

  1. How amazing to be able find a picture of the very same ship that Mum and Dad sailed home in, and then to be able to find out all other sorts of relevant information. I've looked at the interior photos, and seen the voyages document, and to know Mum and Dad were two of those passengers recorded there is amazing. Having those letters of Dad's is actually opening another world of our parents that we've never really known until now. Both sad but wonderful.
    On the 'Empress of Scotland' site there is a page headed 'The Queen aboard the Empress' you think they were referring to Mum!!


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