Friday, January 24, 2014

Petrol money

Mum & Dad, Harry & Nancy 1998?

I’m not sure when this photo of Mum & Dad was taken? They're standing outside The Ginnel.... maybe mid to late 1990s?

I feel that it was me standing behind the camera but it could have been Rob or Sue or one of their children. It’s unlikely to be Anne or family because I’m sure Mum & Dad have come outside to say goodbye to their visitors as they set off on a long journey back home... probably to Yorkshire. Rob & Sue are still in Yorkshire and I lived there from 1995 until 2008. Anne and her family have always lived nearby to Mum & Dad and probably visited them daily. Rob and family also visited them regularly. When Keith left the Wirral he never really came back..... maybe once or twice in 30 years? Me, having left the Wirral in 1986, I would visit a couple of times a year, but reflecting on it now it feels like I should have gone more often.

Whoever is standing behind the camera will be given the contents of Mum’s apron pocket once Dad has gone back inside the house! I don’t think I can remember seeing Mum without her apron.... I’m sure she used to sleep in it!


  1. Awww...the petrol money! Mum would usually hold the coins in the apron so she wouldn't have to handle them in her hands!
    And did anyone ever manage to escape without crisps, sweets, peanuts....
    This definitely is not one of my 'photos, as you say I was just always there, so took very few pics. However on reflection, how I wish I had taken more. Being nearby doesn't leave you with visual memories if you have a memory like mine!x

    1. Teddy Bear Crisps!

      Nothing wrong with your memory Anne..... just look at you stories on this blog!!!....


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