Sunday, June 2, 2013

Another lovely festive memory!

Keith, Rob & Dad

Aw...another Christmas picture - my favourite type!
Dad sitting in 'his' chair with, which looks to be the drinks glasses cocktail cabinet to his right...he enjoyed his tot of whisky! Whenever anyone called, Dad's welcoming words were always, "Nancy, get the whisky out will you!" Mostly he just tried his luck as Mum usually replied "no!" But Christmas was always the exception as shown in the blog entry 'Rob and sideboard full of drinks!'
Rob looks his usual cheeky self and is wearing a tie! - very smart. I think he dedicated the best part of his youth just teasing me! Mind you I think Keith did his fair share too! Keith looks particularly happy here...I guess Mum must have been taking the photo.
What a contrast to the Christmas décor of today! We would always have balloons and those crepe paper streamers as seen hanging above Dad's head here. The colours would even be pastel pinks or blues...not particularly festive?! And who remembers licking all those gummed strips of paper to make paper chains?!...which wouldn't stay stuck!
The tree baubles were always glass, not the plastic ones of today, but inevitably one would break when putting them on the tree, and then we'd lose another one (or two) when taking the decorations off the tree after the traditional 12 days of Christmas.
However for that year, which I think must be about 1959, that looks to be quite an impressive tree which is adorning our front room!


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