Sunday, July 14, 2013

So, what did happen on the eve of Dad’s 22nd birthday?

Mum said YES!

To My Darling Incy

On the eve of my 22nd Birthday, there wasn’t a happier man on this earth than me. Thanks for saying “yes” and here’s to a Wonderful and Glorious future, together.

Loving You only, for Ever and a Day,
xxxxx 8.12.1945 xxxxx

Mum's autograph book, a gift on her 15th birthday 1937
11th June ‘37
With fond love
Mum, Dad and Sisters
A Happy Birthday

1 comment:

  1. Aww...what a romantic! Still so much I'm still finding out for the first time - I never knew Dad proposed to Mum the day before his 22nd Birthday. That could have been a miserable Birthday had Mum have said 'no'....but lucky for all of us she didn't!
    That autograph book holds some wonderful information, I'm so glad Mum obviously treasured it well.


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