Monday, May 11, 2015

Whisky With Water

World Wide Web dot is quicker to say than www dot!

When I started this blog over two years ago my intention was to create a means of sorting all the old photos that Mum & Dad had left behind... a big box of memories without names and dates on the back. As Rob, Anne and I live in Yorkshire, Merseyside and Cumbria respectively, I thought it would be a quick and easy way of us looking at them at the same time. It is an easy way but not necessarily quick! I’ve always thought it would be good to have an album or photo-book of the old photos complete with names, dates and places and then have copies for each of us. The trouble is, when I come across an old photo that I want to post to the blog, I find myself wanting to write something about it or about some old memories or thoughts and then the task becomes a little longer instead of just scanning the photo and uploading it. So I’m going to try and start just uploading photos without me waffling on so much and just ask these three simple WWW questions:

When was it taken?
Where was it taken?
Who is in it?

So, here’s the first.........


  1. Anne outside The Ginnel with one of Mum's pet chihuahuas (Tiny?) but who else and what year?

    1. You're right Dave!!..I just had to say 'world wide web'!!!
      And I agree with the time it must take you to upload etc AND then write about each photo etc., so this is a good idea.
      Could they be Ann and Les Ebbrell?


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